Fetal Medicine

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  • Fetal Medicine

CRIFM Prenatal Medical Clinic was born as the first facility in Japan specializing in fetal medicine and fetal Dock. Our president, Dr. Pooh, is highly regarded by international academic societies and receives many requests for lectures from academic societies and research groups in Japan and abroad. Dr. Pooh will give an easy-to-understand explanation of fetal medicine.

Growth during pregnancy

Growth during pregnancy

With the advancement of ultrasound equipment, we can now see the process of the gradual formation of organs and nerves from the fertilized egg, which is only about 1 mm in diameter. The following is an explanation of how the fetus grows and the process of fetal development. We will also introduce the time when the face becomes clear, the time when the sex of the fetus becomes known, and the growth graphs for each body part (abdominal circumference, femur length, weight, and head).

What is chromosome?

What is chromosome?

Chromosome testing is an important part of prenatal diagnosis to check for abnormalities in the fetus. The chromosomes can be checked for the presence of congenital diseases. In this section, Dr. Pooh will explain the diseases that can be confirmed, chromosomal abnormalities that may be involved in diseases such as 21-trisomy, 18-trisomy, 13-trisomy, XY chromosome, and microchromosomal abnormalities that have recently been attracting attention. In addition, the types of chromosome tests, the characteristics of each test method, and precautions to be taken when visiting a doctor will be introduced.

What is the OSCAR test?

What is the OSCAR test?

Maternal serum markers are used to test for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the blood of pregnant women. However, the diagnostic results cannot be 100% guaranteed, and the results may differ even for the same fetus depending on the facility. The reason for this is the accuracy of NT measurement, and at CRIFM, our experts in precision ultrasound NT measurement diagnose NT and combine it with two maternal serum markers, PAPP-A and free beta-hCG, to increase the accuracy of diagnosis. This article explains the rationale behind the combination of these tests.