Nuchal Translucency
Nuchal Translucency outpatient care For those of you who are worried about NT being found in the fetus

If the NT is thick, it is a mistake to choose NIPT.
If the NT is thick, it could be due to dozens of chromosomal abnormalities, genetic mutations, heart disease, bone system disease, kidney disease, etc., as well as Down's syndrome or trisomy 18. Of course, there is a good chance that the baby is normal.
If the NT is thick, it is wise to choose fetal morphology and CVS instead of NIPT, because even if the NT is thick and the NIPT result is normal, the CVS may reveal abnormalities.
Babies who are 11-13 weeks pregnant have immature circulatory functions (blood and lymph flow) to reduce NT, and may not be able to process fluids and other substances properly, causing swelling to appear. It is important to perform a detailed examination because it is not possible to determine whether the swelling in the neck (NT) is pathological or physiological just by saying that it is there.
At CRIFM, we use NT outpatient care to examine the condition of the fetus and to help mothers who are feeling anxious.
What NT outpatient care can tell you
A fetus diagnosed as having thick NT does not necessarily mean that it has a chromosomal abnormality. Even if a fetus has thick NT and undergoes a chromosome examination, morphological abnormalities cannot be detected until an actual ultrasound examination is done. In our NT outpatient clinic, we can quickly diagnose chromosomal and morphological abnormalities.
Flow of NT medical treatment
At CRIFM, you will first be asked to undergo a fetal dock, where you will be tested for chromosomal and morphological abnormalities; NT measurements will be taken by experts who are NT certified by the British FMF. In addition, a detailed examination will be done to check for reflux in the heart bloodstream, the position of the nasal bones and ears, the condition of the limbs, and the development of the abdominal organs and brain.
If a chromosomal abnormality is suspected or morphological abnormality is confirmed, we will suggest a more detailed test for chromosomal abnormalities (CVS).
What is fetal Dock?
A fetal Dock is a test to monitor the development of the fetus from the beginning to the middle and end of pregnancy. The results of the examination are given to you on the same day.
In fetal Dock, the characteristics of chromosomal diseases are observed one by one with ultrasonography. We check and diagnose the overall image of the fetus according to the number of weeks of pregnancy, the development of the heart, facial parts, blood flow, bones and organs, and the presence or absence of abnormalities.
If it is determined that the risk is too great, a chorionic examination is recommended.
*If the fetus cannot be examined because it is turned sideways, etc., it needs to be retested.
Basic examination (per fetus) |
41,800 yen (tax included) |
Detailed examination fee (per fetus) |
5,500 - 44,000 yen (tax included) *After the basic examination, additional fees will be added to the basic fee if necessary. |
Results counseling | 3,850 - 22,000 yen (tax included) |
When chromosome testing is required
What is the CVS (11-13 weeks gestation)?
The CVS can be done at 11 to 15 weeks, whereas the Amniocentesis can be done at 16 weeks. The Amniocentesis can be done after 16 weeks, while the CVS can be done between 11 and 15 weeks.
The CVS at CRIFM takes about 10 seconds. The definitive results can be given the next day (the day of the next clinic), so you can quickly learn about the possibility of Down Syndrome, 18 Trisomy or 13 Trisomy.
The test is performed by the transabdominal double-needle method, using the latest high performance ultrasound equipment to look at the uterus, if there are no problems such as maternal infection. There is no risk to the fetus. Unlike the Amniocentesis, a small amount of local anesthetic is used, but there is no risk to the fetus. The risk of miscarriage during the test is generally said to be 0.2% (less than Amniocentesis), but the risk of miscarriage during the test at CRIFM is less than 0.1%.
Dr. Pooh has performed more than 14,000 CVSs so far (1,300 CVSs/year, more than 80% of all CVSs in Japan) and is one of the very few experts in the world.
CVS fee
CVS fee (including QF-PCR rapid test, chromosome karyotyping, and D-karyo microchromosome test) |
229,900 yen (tax included) |
Preoperative examination | 5,500 yen (tax included) |
DNA extraction fee | 16,500 yen (including tax) |
Explanation of results and genetic counseling | 3,850 - 22,000 yen (tax included) |
*In addition to the above basic fee, if you have not had a fetal Dock yet, you will be charged a fetal Dock fee of 41,800 yen or more (tax included).
What is an Amniocentesis (after 16 weeks of pregnancy)?
The Amniocentesis is a genetic test for chromosomal abnormalities performed after 16 weeks of pregnancy. The Amniocentesis is performed after 16 weeks. It takes two to three weeks to get the results.
The risk of Amniocentesis (miscarriage or water breakage) is generally said to be 0.3%, but at our hospital, the risk is less than 0.1%. We do our best to minimize the risk and perform the Amniocentesis safely.
Amniocentesis fee
Amniocentesis fee (including QF-PCR rapid test, chromosome karyotyping, and D-karyo microchromosome test) |
189,900 yen (tax included) |
Preoperative examination | 5,500 yen (tax included) |
DNA extraction fee | 16,500 yen (including tax) |
Explanation of results, genetic counseling | 3,850 - 22,000 yen (tax included) |
*In addition to the above basic fee, if you have not had a fetal Dock yet, you will be charged a fetal Dock fee of 41,800 yen or more (tax included).
For both the CVS and the Amniocentesis, both mother and father must listen to the test results together. If both of you are unable to listen to the results together, you will not be allowed to take the test. However, if you are a single mother or have other circumstances, we can consult with you.
Ultrasound images can be viewed on medical imaging cloud services.

CRIFM uses Tricefy, a medical imaging cloud service, which allows mothers to share their baby's ultrasound images directly with their smartphones.
Since the images can be stored in the cloud with thorough security, you can view the images of your cute baby anytime, anywhere, from any device.
To those who are not sure whether to visit NT outpatient care
CRIFM ultrasound fetal Dock is both a genetic ultrasound (to give a probability of Down's syndrome, etc.) and a morphological diagnosis (nowadays, quite a few congenital malformations can be diagnosed from the very beginning) at once.
Therefore, strictly speaking, ultrasonography is not only a screening test, but also a diagnostic test in a sense.
One of the strengths of CRIFM's NT outpatient care is that we are able to perform a variety of tests, not only NT but also 30 other tests, and if a chromosomal abnormality is suspected, we can perform a CVS on the same day.
Prenatal Diagnosis is the Beginning of CRIFM Care
We believe that the purpose of prenatal diagnosis at CRIFM is not to diagnose, but to start when the diagnosis is made.
If any abnormality is found in the fetus, we will explain the condition of the fetus based on objective and accurate imaging diagnosis. We will provide you with the latest information on the clinical course and treatment of each disease, which is progressing day by day, and we will discuss with you and your mom or dad what preparations you can make for your fetus.
Counseling is also available for mothers and fathers who are not sure if they want to continue their pregnancy or are worried about their ability to do so.
CRIFM does not perform deliveries or treatments, but will refer you to an appropriate medical facility in your area.
The entire staff of CRIFM will support mothers and fathers to face their unborn child until the end of their lives.
If you have any concerns about your unborn child, why not check the health of your baby with Dr. Pooh? Please feel free to call us first.
Medical appointments
As a rule, we accept all fetal diagnoses by appointment only. Appointments can be made by phone (until the end of the clinic) or by using the "Appointment Form" on our website.
Please remember to bring your letter of introduction, health insurance card, and maternal and child health handbook with you when you come to the clinic. If you do not have a letter of introduction, you will be asked to pay an additional fee of 5,500 yen (tax included).