- Price
- Fetal Dock(Detailed ultrasound scan)
It is a test for the early detection of congenital diseases of the fetus. Dr. Pooh, the founder of Fetal Dock, uses CRIFM's original prenatal diagnosis system with ultrasound equipment (CRIFM upgrades its ultrasound equipment to the latest version every year) to check for diseases of the brain, heart, kidneys, face, bone development, and fingers and toes.
In the 1st trimester up to 13 weeks, the location of organs and blood flow are checked. In the 2nd trimeser at 18-20 weeks, and the 3rd trimester fetal diagnosis at 29-30 weeks, more than 30 items will be checked, including CRIFM's original "Fetal Brain Dock".
- Examination fee
Basic examination (per fetus)
41,800yen (tax included)
*If the patient has already undergone mid-term fetal diagnosis, the basic fee for late stage fetal diagnosis is 22,000 yen (tax included).
Detailed examination fee (per fetus)
5,500 - 44,000yen (including tax)
*After the basic examination, additional fee will be added to the basic fee if necessary.
Results counseling
3,850 - 22,000yen (tax included)
NIPT is a genetic test that aims to measure the fetal cfDNA present in maternal plasma. The patient's written consent is required for this genetic test to be performed.
NIPT is limited to the three autosomal chromosomes (chromosomes 13, 18 and 21). The gender will not be given.- Test fee
79,200yen (tax included)
- OSCAR test
abnormalities (21 trisomy, 18 trisomy, 13 trisomy) by combining NT and OSCAR test (PAPP-A, free βhCG) if requested by patients who have undergone Early fetal diagnosis. The combination of maternal serum markers (PAPP-A, free βhCG) and accurately measured NT is said to detect trisomy in more than 90% of cases.
- Test fee
OSCAR test
27,500yen (tax included)
- CVS / Amniocentesis
This test is performed to confirm the diagnosis by collecting chorionic tissue and amniotic fluid when chromosomal diseases or genetic diseases are suspected.
By using the QF-PCR method, CRIFM can provide the results of 21 trisomy, 13 trisomy, and 18 trisomy in one day.
In addition to the G-band chromosome test, CRIFM uses the most advanced digital analysis technology (D-karyo test) to find microchromosomal abnormalities that are not normally detected.
If necessary, we can also perform further additional analysis such as SNP microarray testing and genetic testing.
- Test fee
CVS fee (including QF-PCR rapid test, chromosome karyotyping, and D-karyo microchromosome test)
229,900yen (tax included)
Amniocentesis fee (including QF-PCR rapid test, chromosome karyotyping, and D-karyo microchromosome test)
189,900yen (tax included)
*5,500 yen (tax included) for preoperative examination, 16,500 yen (tax included) for DNA extraction
SNPmicroarray test (for microchromosome abnormalities, mosaicism, uniparental disomy, etc.) Additional fee
110,000yen (tax included)
*A separate fee of 16,500 yen x 2 for blood collection and DNA extraction for Mom and Dad is required.
Additional fee for Whole Exome Sequencing (test for genetic mutation)
418,000yen (tax included)
*Additional fee of 16,500 yen for blood collection and DNA extraction for Mom and Dad is required.
Sanger Sequence test (when the location of the familial genetic mutation is clearly identified)
In case of mutation:66,000yen (tax included)
In case of 2. mutation:104,500yen (tax included)
*A separate fee of 16,500 yen x 2 for blood collection and DNA extraction for Mom and Dad is required.
Additional fee for special FISH test (test for abnormalities in the number of specific chromosome locations)
49,500yen (tax included)
Genetic test result explanation and genetic counseling
Genetic counseling fee3,850 - 22,000yen (tax included)
Miscarriage chorionic content cord blood genetic test (per test)
Chromosome karyotype test fee46,200yen (tax included)
- Other fees
Initial acceptance fee 3,080 yen (tax included) Return visitation fee 550 yen (tax included) 6-10 weeksEarly Scan ultrasonography 6,050 yen (tax included) Follow-up ultrasonography
(Ultrasonography other than Fetal Dock)7,150 yen and up (tax included) Follow-up ultrasonography of the fetal brain 14,300 yen and up (tax included) Medical Information Form (for initial response) 8,800 yen (tax included) Medical Information Form (for the second and subsequent times) 5,500 yen (tax included) Fee for providing ultrasound report materials 2,200 yen (tax included) Other genetic counseling and consultation From 5,500 yen (tax included) Prenatal Coordination
*Costs associated with coordination with other facilitiesFrom 5,500 yen (tax included) Genetic Counseling 11,000 yen and up (tax included) Medical certificate and other document fees 5,500 - 11,000 yen (tax included)
*Prices are current as of March 2024.
Fee Example
- If the patient returns home after the early fetal diagnosis: 59,180 yen (tax included)
(breakdown: initial application fee: 3,080 yen + basic fee: 41,800 yen + counseling: 5,500 yen + reply to referral letter to primary doctor: 8,800 yen) - 1st trimester Fetal Dock and CVS: 327,580 yen (tax included)
(breakdown: the above + CVS fee of 229,900 yen + preoperative examination fee of 5,500 yen + DNA extraction fee of 16,500 yen + result counseling fee and document fee of 16,500 yen)
Flow of prenatal diagnosis at CRIFM
CRIFM performs prenatal diagnosis focusing on fetal diagnosis from the early stage of pregnancy (11-13 weeks) for early detection of chromosomal abnormalities and congenital anomalies in the fetus.
Basic examination: fetal diagnosis
There are three types of fetal diagnosis: "early fetal diagnosis" at 11-13 weeks, "mid-term fetal diagnosis" at 18-21 weeks, and "late fetal diagnosis" at 29-30 weeks.
Screening and morphological diagnosis of chromosomes are performed by precise ultrasonography. Specific chromosome number abnormalities are checked one by one.
In the case of early fetal diagnosis, the presence or absence of NT, tricuspid valve regurgitation, and external shape of the heart are also checked. Although the accuracy of the test is high (about 99%), the diagnosis cannot be confirmed for chromosomal abnormalities. If the fetus is at low risk for abnormalities, it can be tested for early maternal serum markers. If the fetus is at high risk, it can be tested for CVS or Amniocentesis.
Optional tests
Early maternal serum marker test
A combination of two serum markers, PAPP-A and free beta-hCG, combined with accurate measurement of NT, can detect trisomy more than 90% of the time. It measures the risk of fetal disease from a different angle than a precision ultrasound.
*This is only an option and is not a must. A high risk does not necessarily mean that you have a disease.
11-13 weeks gestation: CVS
This test is used to confirm the presence or absence of a chromosomal abnormality if the fetal diagnosis or early maternal serum marker test shows a high risk. CRIFM's CVS is available for 21 trisomy, 18 trisomy, and 13 trisomy only, and the results can be given the next day. The karyotype and D-karyo (digital chromosome) results will take 2-3 weeks.
*The karyotype and D-karyo (digital chromosome) results will take 2-3 weeks.
After 16 weeks of pregnancy: Amniocentesis
The Amniocentesis is performed after 16 weeks of pregnancy for women who have a high risk of 21 trisomy, 18 trisomy, or 13 trisomy on the initial fetal diagnosis genetic ultrasound (fetal disease risk assessment) of CRIFM. If you have a high risk of trisomy 21, trisomy 18, or trisomy 13, we can provide you with the results on the same day as the test.
The karyotype and D-karyo (digital chromosome) results, which show the DNA in order of size, will take two to three weeks.
*This is only an option and is not a must.
(Note) Early fetal diagnosis by ultrasonography at CRIFM is a combination of genetic ultrasonography (to determine the probability of Down's syndrome, etc.) and morphological diagnosis (nowadays, quite a few congenital malformations can be diagnosed from the early stage). Therefore, strictly speaking, ultrasonography is not only a screening test, but in a sense, a diagnostic test as well.
However, with the exception of a few cases, brain abnormalities, heart and finger abnormalities, and developmental abnormalities that appear gradually are often found in mid-term fetal diagnosis, so it is recommended to have mid-term fetal diagnosis anyway.
COVID-19 Infection Prevention Measures
Our hospital is taking all possible measures to prevent COVID-19 infection and ensure the safety of mothers and children. Specifics are as follows.
- First, we will enter the CRIFM triage room to fill out the COVID-19 questionnaire and take temperature.
- All visitors to the CRIFM are given a temperature check.
- All visitors to CRIFM will be asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding COVID-19 infection. (We also ask all patients' family members and vendors to fill out the questionnaire.)
*Only patients who are not suspected to have COVID-19 as a result of the questionnaire will be allowed to enter the CRIFM. - If you have cold symptoms or wish, we will perform an antigen test. Results can be provided in about 15 minutes.
- We ask patients to come to the clinic alone whenever possible. We have online counseling with my dad via Zoom.
- We have a partitioned waiting area as well as during blood collection and blood pressure measurement.
- We disinfect the ultrasound probe with alcohol for a certain amount of time just before each use. (Especially the transvaginal ultrasound probe is disinfected at a high level for 7 minutes for each patient using special equipment.)
- We use sterile disinfected bottles of jelly for ultrasound for each patient, and we do not use different bottles.
- All employees wear KE95 masks, disposable gloves are used thoroughly (one glove per operation), the hospital is ventilated, and each room is disinfected after each examination.